Our Company has its origin in 1993 from the merger of two important supermarket chains. In this way, MAXICONSUMO enters the competitive Argentine market.We consider our firm a great family, since it is made up of more than 1800 people in direct relationship, more than 800 supplier firms and thousands of people affected by commercial and industrial activity.Over a decade and a half, MAXICONSUMO, made up only of Argentine capitals, has become a true registered trademark and an excellent alternative for the retail trade of the most important regions of the country, consolidating itself as the absolute leader in sales within the category.Our firm currently has 32 branches distributed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the Greater Buenos Aires and the Interior of the country.MAXICONSUMO offers the largest offer in food, beverages, cleaning, personal hygiene and general lines.The satisfaction of our clients is our main pillar and being able to accompany them in their growth, our greatest satisfaction.